Simple Living

Growing Peppers~ My Tips for Zone 10 & Pepper Trial
Let's talk peppers! Instead of a step-by-step to growing peppers, I just wanted to chat about the main things I've experienced growing peppers here in zone 10 and my personal, pepper growing philosphy.This year was my best pepper year ever. I won't pretend I didn't...

Calendula Whipped Body Butter DIY Recipe
You might remember this post on Instagram where I talk about the dreams I had of actually using my calendula oil. In the past, I'd take the time to infuse the oil, but would get too lazy to purchase additional ingredients. Also, I was always worried I'd make something...

How to Make Calendula Infused Oil
Calendula flowers are the star of my cool season garden here in Southern California, but I grow calendula for so much more than its dazzling color and cheery demeanor. Calendula Officinalis is medicinal, healing, soothing, and gentle on skin. While there are many ways...

5 Flowers to Grow Through Winter in Southern California
In my last post, I covered the main crops I grow during the cool season here in zone 10b, but did not quite get around to the discussion of flowers---which really bothered me because you know I love flowers. ♥ This article will go over some of my favorite Winter...

A Fall & Winter Gardening Guide For Southern California
Friends, let me sing the praises of the Fall and Winter gardens. Both of these cooler seasons have so much to offer us gardeners if we only do some simple planning beforehand. In fact, the first time I ever grew a garden in Winter, I vowed to never miss out again! In...

What Type of Garden is Right For You?
This article has been a long time coming. Since 2016, we have installed a wide assortment of gardens around our urban homestead, which has helped me to form a pretty good idea of the pros and cons of the different kinds of gardens. As always, this blog is about my...

How to Succession Plant to Maximize Your Harvest
I'm calling all gardeners, both beginning to advanced, to share in this discussion of succession planting. While the idea behind succession planting is simple to understand, the practice itself can be vastly different and challenging. I say this not to scare you, but...

Blossom End Rot ~ Identification, Control, and Prevention
Blossom end rot is a common garden problem, but thankfully we know what causes it. While blossom end rot (BER) most commonly occurs in tomatoes, BER can also happen with cucumbers, melons, eggplants, peppers, and squash.Blossom end rot (BER) is not a disease. It is a...