Garden & Homestead

The Best Way to Make Rosewater (No Fancy Equipment)

The Best Way to Make Rosewater (No Fancy Equipment)

Have you ever smelled a rose that was so absolutely decadent you wished you could capture the smell and wear it on your body all day? The closest I’ve ever come to achieving this is making my own rosewater, and using it as a facial mist on the hottest of Summer days....

Using an Indoor Seed Starting Setup

Using an Indoor Seed Starting Setup

As I’m writing this, there’s a steady rain pouring outside, which is truly my favorite weather for staying indoors and starting seeds in Winter. This indoor seed starting setup is something I’ve wanted for a long time, but finding space in my 700 square foot home was...

Cottage Garden Trellises & Sweet Peas in Containers

Cottage Garden Trellises & Sweet Peas in Containers

Currently there is a huge task that I’ve been avoiding. Remember my Fall seed starting video where I started eight varieties of sweet pea flowers? Well, those poor plants have been stuck in their seed cells this entire time…and it’s not good. Each morning, I pass by...

Build a Custom Rose Wall Trellis

Build a Custom Rose Wall Trellis

Do you know those weeks where it feels like there is too much to do so you feel frozen? Well, over-planning and analysis paralysis are how I typically react to busy times. Thankfully, I’ve found that focusing on one, doable task helps me feel a little better. For...

Grow Spring Bulbs in Containers

Grow Spring Bulbs in Containers

Do you want to join me this Fall and grow some bulbs in containers? Let me share how incredibly fun it is to create a gorgeous spring bulb display for your garden! Planting flowering bulbs in containers or pots comes with many benefits, but first and foremost your...

No-Stress Bare Root Planting Guide

No-Stress Bare Root Planting Guide

February is great for bare root planting Hey everyone! While I’m still in disbelief that it’s already one month into the new year, February brings many exciting things to the garden that I want to share with you! First, it’s bare root planting season! If you’ve ever...

How to Prune Boysenberry Plants

How to Prune Boysenberry Plants

It's finally a beautiful, rain-free weekend in January! Therefore, it's the ideal time to prune boysenberry plants as well as roses and most fruit trees. Today I'm sharing what has worked for us as far as pruning our  thornless boysenberry plants here in Southern...

A David Austin Rose Garden

A David Austin Rose Garden

This is the first year for this David Austin rose garden here in zone 10. Back in Spring 2022, I planted this rose garden from scratch and filled it with seven, carefully selected, David Austin English roses. I’ve always been mesmerized by more cupped, heavily...

Meet Randi

Urban gardening is my jam. I’m Randi, California girl who obsessively gardens to grow food and flowers around my urban home. Seasonal, simple living is what inspires me~ I hope it will inspire you too. Join me in crafting a life and home connected to the garden Read More>>>>

For Growers & Gardeners from High Mowing Organic Seeds