

How to Grow & Care for Anemone Flowers

How to Grow & Care for Anemone Flowers

I really don't like high-maintenance flowers. Unfortunately, there are a lot of Spring flowers that require things like chilling or vernalization in order to bloom---like many tulips for example. This is why I love growing anemone flowers. Anemones are an incredible...

How to Grow and Care for Ranunculus

How to Grow and Care for Ranunculus

Ranunculus flowers had me besotted long before I ever started a garden. Originally, I was drawn to the layers upon layers of delicate, tissue-paper petals. In my eyes, ranunculus flowers were just utterly romantic! Eventually, as I learned how to grow ranunculus in my...

Perennials for a Cut Flower Garden

Perennials for a Cut Flower Garden

Welcome back to my Summer cut flower series! This series is devoted to home gardeners that want to grow their own bouquets and are curious how to get started. Today, I’ll be focusing on my favorite perennial flowers for the Summer season. Perennials are some of the...

Summer Annuals For a Cut Flower Garden

Summer Annuals For a Cut Flower Garden

Welcome friends to my Summer cut flower series! This series is devoted to home gardeners that want to grow a cut flower garden but need help narrowing down what flowers to grow in Summer. I’ll be focusing on cut flowers that I have experience growing myself here in...

Cottage Garden Trellises & Sweet Peas in Containers

Cottage Garden Trellises & Sweet Peas in Containers

Currently there is a huge task that I’ve been avoiding. Remember my Fall seed starting video where I started eight varieties of sweet pea flowers? Well, those poor plants have been stuck in their seed cells this entire time…and it’s not good. Each morning, I pass by...

Dahlia Growing Tips for Hot Climates

Dahlia Growing Tips for Hot Climates

The best gardening tips I ever learned came from failure---ideally, failure followed by success. Growing dahlias in Southern California comes with its own set of challenges, but it hasn’t stopped me from truly enjoying these flowers and being fascinated by their...

Grow Spring Bulbs in Containers

Grow Spring Bulbs in Containers

Do you want to join me this Fall and grow some bulbs in containers? Let me share how incredibly fun it is to create a gorgeous spring bulb display for your garden! Planting flowering bulbs in containers or pots comes with many benefits, but first and foremost your...

How to Deadhead Roses After Blooming

How to Deadhead Roses After Blooming

Despite a gloomier than usual Spring, the roses bloomed in a magnificent display of color this year. While I consider roses to be fairly low maintenance, there are some things that just need to be done if you’re looking forward to another flush of blooms---one of...

Meet Randi

Urban gardening is my jam. I’m Randi, California girl who obsessively gardens to grow food and flowers around my urban home. Seasonal, simple living is what inspires me~ I hope it will inspire you too. Join me in crafting a life and home connected to the garden Read More>>>>

For Growers & Gardeners from High Mowing Organic Seeds