Freckled Californian is a website is all about seasonal living and my adventures gardening here in Southern California. As I’ve been gardening over the years, I’ve come to appreciate and understand the special climate and seasons that we have in CA—but I never found a resource that truly spoke to me as a southern Californian gardener, so I created it! We have a wonderful community of gardeners here, and I hope to continue to learn, grow, and embrace this crazy California climate for years to come. See what’s currently in season ⇓
In Season Right Now

10 Heat Loving Veggies & Flowers
Get your garden ready for Summer! This list of Flowers and Vegetables are all easy to start from seed for a productive Summer garden!

How to Amend Your Soil Organically
Read about the 5 things we do to amend our garden beds each season.

Let's Talk Mulch!
Get all my tips for mulching your vegetable garden. Mulch is essential for water-saving, protecting the roots from temperature swings, and it can also feed your soil!

How to Compost~ Basics
Compost is simple to make and my favorite garden amendment! Come learn how!

The Basics of Growing From Seed
Learn how to start a garden from seeds! One of the most

Basic Guide to Growing Herbs- FREE download
Now is a great time to start an herb garden!