Garden & Homestead

A Native Garden Designed for Pollinators
Bring on the pollinators! Six years of gardening in this space and we FINALLY got around to this empty patch of grass in our backyard. For the last few years I've been interested in CA native plants, so when the opportunity came to create a new garden space in our...

How to Test Seed Viability & Germinate Seeds Quickly
It's seed starting season! What an exciting time of year for gardeners! Today I'm going to share a quick and easy way to kickstart the germination process using a paper towel or coffee filter. This is also a simple test for seed viability if you aren't sure your seeds...

DIY Fabric Garden Covers
From the very beginning of my gardening journey, I'd managed to need very few tools or supplies to grow. I'm typically a "use what you have" gardener, but I'm always grateful for the tools that I do purchase that make my life easier. These DIY garden covers are simply...

Calendula Whipped Body Butter DIY Recipe
You might remember this post on Instagram where I talk about the dreams I had of actually using my calendula oil. In the past, I'd take the time to infuse the oil, but would get too lazy to purchase additional ingredients. Also, I was always worried I'd make something...

How to Make Calendula Infused Oil
Calendula flowers are the star of my cool season garden here in Southern California, but I grow calendula for so much more than its dazzling color and cheery demeanor. Calendula Officinalis is medicinal, healing, soothing, and gentle on skin. While there are many ways...

Garden DIY Projects Using Branches, Sticks & Twigs
Many of you know that I am always looking for ways to add a little whimsy to my backyard garden. One way I do this is to create my own garden structures and supports. Luckily, the more fruit trees we add to our space, the more we accumulate pruned branches and sticks...

DIY Garden Arch: How to Build a Cattle Panel Trellis
Three years ago Sam built me a set of two cattle panel trellises in a very barren corner of our yard. They were part of my design to increase our growing space for fruits and vegetables. To this day, our cattle panel trellis DIY continues to be one most popular garden...

An Urban Pallet Compost Bin Design
Welcome to the 2nd article in our composting series! If you missed it, last time I discussed how we got started composting and the compost tumbler basics that we have been practicing for years. If you are gardening in a small space, urban area, or are just nervous...