
How to Protect Your Garden During a Heatwave
Before going into how to protect your garden from a heatwave, how about we talk about the definition of a "heatwave". According to the National Weather Service, a heatwave is "a period of unusually hot weather that typically lasts two or more days." In my opinion,...

DIY Garden Arch: How to Build a Cattle Panel Trellis
Three years ago Sam built me a set of two cattle panel trellises in a very barren corner of our yard. They were part of my design to increase our growing space for fruits and vegetables. To this day, our cattle panel trellis DIY continues to be one most popular garden...

Tomato Growing FAQs: Grow Your Own Delicious Tomatoes
One of the first articles on my blog was The Basics of Growing From Seed. In that article I wrote, "the experience of growing a sweet, luscious Summer tomato from seed is one I want everyone to have." A homegrown tomato is truly a beautiful thing and I hope this FAQ...

An Urban Pallet Compost Bin Design
Welcome to the 2nd article in our composting series! If you missed it, last time I discussed how we got started composting and the compost tumbler basics that we have been practicing for years. If you are gardening in a small space, urban area, or are just nervous...

10 Vegetables and Flowers to Grow in Heat
Summer Gardening Inspiration Recently, a friend told me she wanted to start a garden with her kids this Summer. She was looking for vegetables and flowers to grow in heat and she only wanted to grow things from seed that would easily sprout without special attention....

A DIY Seed Starting Soil Mix Recipe
If you want to start a garden from seed, it is very important to choose the correct soil medium for starting and raising those seeds. Using a good seed starting mix will improve your chances of success. Now, you do have some choices, but it's important to not feel...

My Favorite Gardening Hacks
I'm not a very "gadget-savvy" person. I don't like clutter or buying tools. My garden style is very much "use what you have" and don't overthink it. This article covers some of the fun things I've discovered while gardening over the years. By now we have family,...

Urban Garden Composting: Our Compost Tumbler Basics
This article is going to focus on how we started composting, and the factors we are considering as we work to expand and DIY our newest compost system. It's my hope that you will follow our composting adventures and find system of composting that works for you. So,...