Soil Health & Prep

How to Reuse or Amend Old Potting Soil
Recently, I revitalized the pots from last year’s spring bulb display. As I was completing this task, it occurred to me that there might be some of you who wondered if it is okay to reuse potting soil? As it happens, the answer is emphatically ‘yes!’ and today I’ll...

Updates to How I Amend and Prep My Garden Soil
It's been a couple years since I've written how I amend and prep my garden soil organically. Being a self-taught gardener, I’m constantly experimenting with new techniques in the garden and observing what my plants love (or don’t). In the years since my first article...

Watering & Irrigation Basics ~ Insights From our Garden
How do I water my vegetable garden? This question fills my inbox frequently and I've always planned to write up how we have tackled watering our backyard homestead but never sat down to summarize this incredibly involved topic. I hope this rambling guide gives you...

Let’s Talk Mulch! Mulching a Backyard Vegetable Garden
I'm excited to talk about mulch! Ah the life and interests of a gardener! Much like the earthy smell of compost and the sight of a freshly dug, soil-covered carrot, mulching my garden brings so much satisfaction. Read on for all the reasons your garden needs mulch and...

A DIY Seed Starting Soil Mix Recipe
If you want to start a garden from seed, it is very important to choose the correct soil medium for starting and raising those seeds. Using a good seed starting mix will improve your chances of success. Now, you do have some choices, but it's important to not feel...

Urban Garden Composting: Our Compost Tumbler Basics
This article is going to focus on how we started composting, and the factors we are considering as we work to expand and DIY our newest compost system. It's my hope that you will follow our composting adventures and find system of composting that works for you. So,...

Amending Your Soil Organically Between Seasons ~ 5 Things to Do
This is by far one of the most commonly requested topics when I ask people what they want to learn about gardening. It's probably because we all know that good soil means happy, productive plants. The truth is, the best soil is carefully nurtured and transformed over...