Simple Living

Why I Plant and Grow Yarrow
My favorite flowers to grow are flowers that serve many purposes in a garden. As a drought-tolerant, pollinator-friendly cut flower, yarrow definitely meets that criteria. Today I want to share the many reasons I plant and grow yarrow in my garden, along with some ...

How to Get Rid of Leafhoppers in the Garden
This is the first year I started to notice my plants developing tiny, light-colored speckles all over the leaves. Because I generally practice IPM (Integrated Pest Management) in my garden, I wasn't jumping for a spray or solution right away. Eventually I observed...

Garden DIY Projects Using Branches, Sticks & Twigs
Many of you know that I am always looking for ways to add a little whimsy to my backyard garden. One way I do this is to create my own garden structures and supports. Luckily, the more fruit trees we add to our space, the more we accumulate pruned branches and sticks...

How to Compost: Filling & Maintaining a Compost Bin
Welcome to the 3rd article in our composting series! While Sam and I are new to hot composting, we are not new to composting in general. Many of you have asked me about problems with your compost---it doesn't breakdown, it smells bad, or you have had issues with...

Chamomile Ice Cream Recipe From the Garden
This delicately flavored chamomile ice cream is a great way to use fresh chamomile blossoms. This recipe is based on my favorite Vanilla Bean Ice Cream Recipe but edited for a lighter flavor by switching to more milk than cream in the mixture ratio, so it has a less...

How to Propagate Plants From Cuttings
I learned how to propagate plants from my mom. She used to propagate all of her favorite herbs and plants in order to save money, and so I watched and learned to do the same. What I'm sharing with you today is how to propagate plant cuttings in soil, like my mom did....

How to Grow Corn in a Backyard Garden
Corn is one of those crops that really disappointed me as a beginning gardener. I remember trying to grow corn in my small garden for the first time. At the time, I knew nothing about pollination or pests, and my corn grew sad little cobs with no kernels. The...

5 Herbs to Buy at The Nursery Instead of Starting From Seed
When I first started gardening, one of the most frustrating things was not knowing that some plants are really hard to start from seed. I'm not saying these herbs are impossible to start from seed, but they often pose more difficulty or expend more resources than...