Seed Starting

A DIY Seed Starting Soil Mix Recipe
If you want to start a garden from seed, it is very important to choose the correct soil medium for starting and raising those seeds. Using a good...

How to Test Seed Viability & Germinate Seeds Quickly
It's seed starting season! What an exciting time of year for gardeners! Today I'm going to share a quick and easy...

Using an Indoor Seed Starting Setup
As I’m writing this, there’s a steady rain pouring outside, which is truly my favorite weather for staying indoors and starting seeds in Winter....

Using an Indoor Seed Starting Setup
As I’m writing this, there’s a steady rain pouring outside, which is truly my favorite weather for staying indoors and starting seeds in Winter. This indoor seed starting setup is something I’ve wanted for a long time, but finding space in my 700 square foot home was...

My Garage Indoor Seed Starting Setup~ 2022
It has been hard to resist starting Summer seeds, but it's finally time to prepare and get going! This year, the biggest change is going to be growing seeds under grow lights for the very first time. Due to space constraints in my home, this will be a garage seed...

How to Test Seed Viability & Germinate Seeds Quickly
It's seed starting season! What an exciting time of year for gardeners! Today I'm going to share a quick and easy way to kickstart the germination process using a paper towel or coffee filter. This is also a simple test for seed viability if you aren't sure your seeds...

How to Succession Plant to Maximize Your Harvest
I'm calling all gardeners, both beginning to advanced, to share in this discussion of succession planting. While the idea behind succession planting is simple to understand, the practice itself can be vastly different and challenging. I say this not to scare you, but...

10 Vegetables and Flowers to Grow in Heat
Summer Gardening Inspiration Recently, a friend told me she wanted to start a garden with her kids this Summer. She was looking for vegetables and flowers to grow in heat and she only wanted to grow things from seed that would easily sprout without special attention....

A DIY Seed Starting Soil Mix Recipe
If you want to start a garden from seed, it is very important to choose the correct soil medium for starting and raising those seeds. Using a good seed starting mix will improve your chances of success. Now, you do have some choices, but it's important to not feel...

My Favorite Gardening Hacks
I'm not a very "gadget-savvy" person. I don't like clutter or buying tools. My garden style is very much "use what you have" and don't overthink it. This article covers some of the fun things I've discovered while gardening over the years. By now we have family,...

What Does Direct Sowing vs. Transplanting Mean?
What does it mean to direct sow seeds? How do I know if I should direct sow? These are common questions I get from readers, so I'd like to take some time to define some of these terms and also cover the pros and cons of direct sowing and the alternative: ...