Garden Journal

How to Grow and Harvest Lavender for Culinary Use
Floral flavors tend to be highly divisive, don’t they? If you’re anything like me, I’m the person whose eyes light up when I see anything floral on a menu---lavender scones, rose lattes, chamomile infused ice cream---you name it, I’m probably ordering it. My passion...

How to Grow and Care for Ranunculus
Ranunculus flowers had me besotted long before I ever started a garden. Originally, I was drawn to the layers upon layers of delicate, tissue-paper petals. In my eyes, ranunculus flowers were just utterly romantic! Eventually, as I learned how to grow ranunculus in my...

Overwintering Eggplants ~ Our Giant Eggplant
Did you see the gigantic eggplant we grew last Summer? The reason this eggplant grew so huge last Summer is because of a process called overwintering. The seed for this singular eggplant was actually sown more than a year earlier and kept alive through the colder...

Time to Renovate & Amend The Strawberry Patch
Growing in Southern California can be really weird, right? Advice like “wait until your asparagus dies back completely before pruning” can sound really simple---until we realize that many things don’t die back here in zone 10. Off the top of my head I’m remembering...

Decadent Passion Fruit Creme Brulee
This passion fruit crème brulee is everything you love about traditional crème brulee, yet infused with just a touch of tropical flavor. If you’ve never tasted passion fruit, I have to admit that there’s really nothing to describe the flavor. Passion fruit has a...

Using an Indoor Seed Starting Setup
As I’m writing this, there’s a steady rain pouring outside, which is truly my favorite weather for staying indoors and starting seeds in Winter. This indoor seed starting setup is something I’ve wanted for a long time, but finding space in my 700 square foot home was...

How to Prune Blackberries
Have you ever noticed that berries taste best when picked at perfect ripeness from the plant? Too many times, I've been disppappointed by berries I've purchased from the store that are still firm and have been picked to survive transportation. Furthermore, I've been...

Perennials for a Cut Flower Garden
Welcome back to my Summer cut flower series! This series is devoted to home gardeners that want to grow their own bouquets and are curious how to get started. Today, I’ll be focusing on my favorite perennial flowers for the Summer season. Perennials are some of the...