Welcome to to the Garden Resources Library!
This is where Subscribers have exclusive, FREE access to all of my Garden Resources. Be sure to bookmark the page and come back often! I will continue to add to the page as I develop new resources for you.
♦Want to know what I’m planting and when? This is my personal seed starting schedule—-specific to Southern California, Orange County, zone 10. When I first started gardening, I remember wishing I had insight into what gardeners locally were planting, so I have made my list a resource for all of you! Of course, if you live in a similar climate, some of this will be applicable to you too.
♦Want to grow herbs, but don’t know where to start? Let me guide you through the basics of growing herbs. In this pdf guide I’ll cover how to choose what herbs to grow, how to care for them, and how to plan an herb garden that you will actually want use for cooking!
Have you read my article on How to Succession Plant to Maximize Your Harvests? This accompanying chart is a basic guide on planting intervals for certain crops to help you get started with succession sowing in your garden.
Want to start a garden from seed?
Check out my Seed Starting section of the blog to get full tutorials, tips, and guides!