
Tips for Selecting & Planting California Native Plants
I'm thrilled to have you join me this year in learning about CA native plants and their importance in building a thriving home for local wildlife. Hopefully, you leave here with some California native garden ideas and inspiration. As a relatively new native plant...

Grow Your Own Everlastings: Flowers for Growing & Drying
Are you ready learn about some of the most incredible flowers ever?! I've been dabbling in growing everlasting flowers for the last several years, and I seriously considered dedicating an entire flower patch to them every year because they are so worthwhile,...

5 Flowers to Grow Through Winter in Southern California
In my last post, I covered the main crops I grow during the cool season here in zone 10b, but did not quite get around to the discussion of flowers---which really bothered me because you know I love flowers. ♥ This article will go over some of my favorite Winter...

Why I Plant and Grow Yarrow
My favorite flowers to grow are flowers that serve many purposes in a garden. As a drought-tolerant, pollinator-friendly cut flower, yarrow definitely meets that criteria. Today I want to share the many reasons I plant and grow yarrow in my garden, along with some ...

10 Vegetables and Flowers to Grow in Heat
Summer Gardening Inspiration Recently, a friend told me she wanted to start a garden with her kids this Summer. She was looking for vegetables and flowers to grow in heat and she only wanted to grow things from seed that would easily sprout without special attention....

Growing Sweet Peas For Lovely Cut Flowers
Sweet pea flowers might look delicate, but they are some seriously strong and vigorous plants! This will be my fourth year growing sweet pea flowers successfully and I finally got the two most difficult parts down: germinating and timing. So, if you have ever been...

How to Grow Sunflowers From Seed
I don't think you can look at a sunflower and not smile. If you aren't sure, I challenge you to grow some and see! Sunflowers are one of the best flowers to grow at home, as they are simple to grow from seed and wonderful flowers for attracting beneficial...

The 10 Best Flowers for a Potager Garden
As many of you know, I am very much inspired by potager gardens. A potager garden is basically the French term for a kitchen garden but it greatly emphasizes mixing flowers, herbs, and vegetables all together. This idea truly encompasses my garden philosophy, and the...